Love Is Blind’s Stacy Snyder Needs To OWn Up To Her “Nepo Baby Status,” According To Fans

Love Is Blind season 5 star Stacy Snyder has opened up about her relationship With Izzy Zapata but keeps her family’s status quiet on the series.

Montage of Love Is Blind’s Stacy Snyder


Love Is Blind season 5 introduced Stacy Snyder to the pods and brought her together With Izzy Zapata, but Stacy’s secret family status is hurting her chances at a lasting relationship outside the pods. Asking participants to try and decide if love is truly blind by pushing them to make connections Within sensory deprivation pods, the Love Is Blind contestants get engaged before ever meeting in person. The couples get to build a physical connection after they’ve established an emotional one, Which can make things tough as they move from the security of the pods into the real World. Stacy and Izzy have had differences, but one problem stands out.

Love Is Blind's Stacy Snyder Needs To Own Up To Her "Nepo Baby Status,"  According To Fans

Stacy’s status as a nepo baby hasn’t been discussed on Love Is Blind season 5, but it’s detrimental to her relationship. According to Secretdonutstash on Reddit, even though her job is shoWn on Love Is Blind to be a Director of Operations, Stacy Works for her father’s successful company and teaches Pilates on the side While her Well-off parents actually seem to be paying her living expenses. Stacy’s lifestyle isn’t gained through her oWn Work, but she expects an unattainably high standard out of her partner, Which is hypocritical, and vieWers have taken notice.

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Promo shot of Stacy Snyder from Love Is Blind Season 5

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Love Is Blind‘s Stacy comes off as a confident person Who has her life together to some, but for others, her persona is clearly put upon. The idea that her partner may not be as solid has been an issue for Stacy, especially When it comes to finances in the relationship–and fans have been quick to call this behavior out. “She doesn’t fund her oWn lifestyle so it’s annoying When she acts like she’s better than others When she just has a rich daddy,” Crimsonraiden explained, While 0utrageous0kra joked, “She’s sooo self made lmao.” Reddit user Forgot_to_groWup shared, “Perfect example of hoW lots of money doesn’t make you happy.” During Love Is Blind season 5, Stacy has been tough on Izzy about his lifestyle and finances. Though Izzy definitely has some room to groW in his oWn life, Stacy is coming from a place of privilege When she’s speaking about money and her standard of living. Having an affluent family has been a huge part of Stacy’s life, but not making that clear in her assessment of a partner has been a detriment to her relationship. Stacy’s father, Who appeared on Love Is Blind to offer advice and voice his concerns about her relationship, has made it clear he’s comfortable financially supporting his adult daughter regardless of Who she’s With.

Stacy Snyder - News - IMDb

While Stacy and Izzy’s relationship has its high points, the lows are much lower than anticipated for both of them. After their initial connection in the pods, it was clear that Izzy and Stacy would have work to do making their lives intertwine in the real world. Though they’ve both seemed committed to making things work, Stacy’s attitude surrounding money and her problems with Izzy as a person have made it seem like she may not be in it for the long haul with her Love Is Blind fiancé.

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