“It was a journey that we were trying to maneuver together,” Chelsea Blackwell tells PEOPLE of trying to date Jimmy Presnell after their time on ‘Love Is Blind,’ which they did not discuss on Wednesday’s season 6 reunion
Greg Gayne/Netflix
Chelsea Blackwell and Jimmy Presnell didn’t tie the knot on Love Is Blind, but that wasn’t the end of their love story.
Speaking exclusively to PEOPLE, Chelsea, 31, says she and Jimmy, 28, gave their relationship a second chance shortly after he dumped her in the season 6 finale.
“We dated for a few days after the breakup,” she reveals. “And it was a journey that we were trying to maneuver together.”
Ultimately, the two decided to go their separate ways and have not rekindled their romance since. The news will likely come as a shock to fans, who recently got excited that they may have started dating again after sharing similar snaps on their Instagram Stories in the same location.
Chelsea and Jimmy’s story on Love Is Blind had many highs and many lows. The two developed a strong connection in the pods but both had another top contender they were considering. Jimmy ultimately broke up with Jessica Vestal in order to propose to Chelsea, and she ended things with Trevor Sova after Jimmy’s proposal.
However, the couple’s journey was faced with lots of challenges, including Jimmy’s initial disappointment that Chelsea did not look like Megan Fox despite what she had told him in the pods and Chelsea getting hurt when Jimmy commented on costar Amber Desiree “AD” Smith‘s body.
Back in North Carolina, the two couldn’t see eye-to-eye on issues like affection, which resulted in him calling her “clingy,” and trust. Their breaking point happened when Jimmy went out with his female friends — one of whom he previously slept with — and Chelsea felt uncomfortable about the situation. As they were arguing, she mentioned the hookup, which set Jimmy off because they had agreed not to talk about it in front of cameras.
The two addressed the drama at Wednesday’s reunion, with Chelsea offering up an apology and Jimmy taking blame for putting his friend in the awkward situation.
“She didn’t deserve that,” Jimmy said of his friend. “She didn’t love hearing it… one of them is really pissed off at me for mentioning it.”
“I hated all this came out so bad, and I can take it, they didn’t deserve it,” he added of the “defining moment” in their relationship. “I’d be robbing [Chelsea] if I didn’t tell her. I told her because I was planning to get married to her and she needed to know every bit of me.”
He also emphasized that in hindsight, the “right decision” would’ve been to end things with Chelsea after that moment, but he dragged it on because they “loved each other so much.”
Chelsea, who admitted at the reunion that her actions “ruined everything,” previously told PEOPLE that she regretted exposing Jimmy’s secret but said she needed to have that conversation with him because they were still working through some relationship problems days before potentially getting married.
“I definitely do regret bringing it up on camera,” Chelsea said. “That was something that he made very clear he didn’t want exposed to the world, but in reality, this is my relationship, these are our issues, and I’m really sitting with this issue that I am not allowed to bring up at certain times, and that’s not fair.”
“It’s not fair on either side, but just having to walk on eggshells around a really massive issue in our relationship, I had to have that conversation. I didn’t care about the cameras,” she continued. “He was just very concerned about how he looked and how he was portrayed, and I just didn’t — clearly, I just didn’t give two craps.”
Chelsea also emphasized at the reunion — and to PEOPLE — that she had apologized to Jimmy’s friend and received a response.
“I reached out to her multiple times and just apologized and said, ‘I don’t know what’s going to be shown, but I truly am so sorry for exposing you in this way. It was never my intention, but this was our relationship and it was a huge issue,'” she told PEOPLE.
Despite the heartbreak she faced, Chelsea said she’s learned a lot from her relationship with Jimmy and her time on the show.
“I’ve definitely learned that I am so much stronger than I ever thought, even going through and having my relationship exposed to the world…. I realized how strong and a bad bitch I am, that it’s just like, ‘Oh my God, I’m so proud of myself,'” she said.
“And I’ve learned what I do want in a relationship of things I wasn’t getting from Jimmy that wasn’t shown,” she continued. “He was not matching up his actions with his words, and he was saying all the right things and it was amazing, but his actions were not matching his words. So when it comes to future relationships, that’s just something that it has to line up or it’s not going to work.”
Love Is Blind season 6 is streaming in full on Netflix.