16 things you probably didn’t know about ‘Love Is Blind’

The pods are completely soundproof — contestants are communicating through speakers.

love is blind wall

There are no producers in the pods, though. Netflix


Although the producers originally planned for the pods to be soundproof on just a few sides while allowing sound to pass through the light-up wall, they found that it made sound bleed from one pod to another.

To create total privacy for the contestants, they chose to make the entire pod soundproof and had the contestants communicate through speakers.

“We basically had a small speaker in the front wall and you would hear the other person who was in the other pod,” co-creator and executive producer Chris Coelen told Variety in 2020. “There’s no producers in there, there’s nobody else. It’s just you and the other person. That’s it.”

The cast members can bring their own ring or choose from a select number of options.

Shake on "Love is Blind" season 2

Contestants can choose from a few ring styles. Netflix

Coelen told Variety that the men can choose from “10 or 12 different styles and colors” of rings. They can also bring a ring from home if they want to.

He also said the women can propose on the show, too, though none have chosen that option yet.

The show has typically been filmed a year or two before it actually airs.


Couples have to keep their relationship status private until the finale airs. Netflix

Although the couples on “Love Is Blind” had only a short time (38 days, to be exact) to get to know each other, get engaged, and get married, they had to wait over a year to see their journey on TV and go public with their relationships.

In February 2020, “Love Is Blind” contestant Damian Powers told Refinery29 that the series wrapped filming in November of 2018.

This means that the contestants who ended up together have had to keep their marriages out of the public eye (in particular, off of social media) for over a year so they wouldn’t spoil the show’s ending.

Season two was filmed in 2021 and aired in 2022.

The producers are not very hands-on with planning the contestants’ dates.


Unless, of course, you include putting them in pods and deciding when they get to meet. Netflix

According to Coelen, contestants had much more input about their relationships than other, more over-produced reality dating shows. He said he wanted to give contestants the chance to control their experiences within the rules of the pods.

“[Contestants would] say, ‘I’d love to have a dinner of lasagna with this person. So, we’d get them some lasagna,” Coelen told Oprah magazine in 2020. “They could do whatever they wanted, other than to touch each other or see each other … We wanted them to make the decisions and them to control their destiny”

Contestants weren’t given cue cards or specific talking points, either.

As Coelen told Variety, “They were never interrupted in terms of like a producer saying, ‘Hey, talk about this, talk about that,’ they just did what they wanted to do.”

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